Stories for Change: A Nuts & Bolts Guide for Nonprofits • May 31, 2019, 9 am – 12 pm • Waterbury, VT
This interactive lab will guide participants through the basics of storytelling and focus on the most effective ways to craft and share their organization’s stories.

Circus Smirkus
Read one young person's transformative story about how Circus Smirks helped her through a difficult time.

Vermont Foodbank
Meet Brittany, meet Kay, meet Manny, meet Liz! The Vermont Foodbank has begun an excellent collection of Story Portraits of the people they serve and the positive impact of the Vermont ...

The Intervale Center
Check out the 30th Anniversary Impact Report from the Intervale Center. Instead of loads of facts and figures, it is chock-full of the stories of many people whose lives are touched ...

The Putney School
Using the voices of students and footage of them engaged in their studies, the Putney School has developed a collection of inspiring video stories that illustrate exactly what it is that ...

Creating a Confluence of Influence:
Tell Your Story Through the People Who Know it Best
Friday, November 9, 2018, 1-4 pm
Randolph, VT
Communication has changed drastically with the evolution of digital media. On digital platforms, "paying to play" may work for big brands, but when it comes to causes, people are looking to ...

Stories: The Ultimate Multi-Tasker
Friday November 9, 2018, 9 am-Noon
Randolph, VT
In the ever-evolving world of multimedia storytelling, it's hard to know which platform will best convey social impact, inspiration, education, or just plain entertainment. This intermediate workshop will provide insight into ...

Story-Centered Fundraising Appeals
Friday October 26, 2018, 1-4 pm
Waterbury, VT
Do your direct-mail fundraising appeals seem flat and uninspiring? Are you looking to create compelling, story-centered appeals that move supporters to donate? And how do you decide which organizational story to ...